
Making Ideas
We help to make ideas work and scale. See More Speak with us

Early Stage Investor

We invest small tickets in early stage startups and love to support international marketing scale strategies. An amazing network and 20 years experience in Online Marketing are waiting for you.

Up to 20k $/€/CHF tickets


We try to be creative and find ideas, create a business plans, bring a prototypes on the market and setup a great teams to spin-off amazing startups.

Min. 1 Spin-Off / year


Our individual knowledge about building up companies and scaling international marketing wants to be spreaded. We love to help in aspects of due dilicange, international marketing and business strategies.

Speak to us

Interested in working with us

Feel free to contact us and chat about your thoughts, needs and ideas.

Our latest news


Gamprin-Bendern, 14.02.2023 – Paxon AG is working on launching „einfach CRM“.

Vaduz, 10.11.2020 – Paxon AG started an online shop for dispenser in Germany -> Desinfektionsspender.de

Vaduz, 14.04.2020 -Paxon AG invested in two passionated and talented guys and announces to be a proud stakeholder of funnel GmbH.

Looking forward to work with amazing people.

We Want To Enable Entrepreneurship Worldwide

Our company is located in one of the smallest countries worldwide – in the Principality of Liechtenstein. This is one of the reasons we think and act global. So no matter where you are located or what your target countries are, we would like to hear your story. We have a reliable network in German speaking countries.